Paradise Fortune Casino is a slots game built with the Unity URP engine, where players earn energy playing slot machines and use that energy to restore a tropical resort.
As a Technical Artist on the team, I worked to build and maintain the resort gameplay. My responsibilities included integration, writing tools in C#, managing branches in the repository, and bug fixing.
Quests and Cutscenes
My main focus was maintaining the quests sequence and the triggered cutscenes. I used a node-based editor to set the order and set the unique settings for each quest. The cutscenes were also setup with a node-based editor. I organized the cutscenes to have the correct NPCs, dialog, and props before passing them off to the animation team for fine tuning.
Whenever I had the chance, I would make improvements to the cutscene node system to make it easier for animators to use. One such improvement I made was to the rotation node. The original node was using unity's transform.Rotate function to perform an additional rotation to the NPCs current rotation. Animators had to do a lot of guess work to get the NPC to rotate to the exact angles they wanted. The updated node I created used Quaternion calculations, which allowed the Animators to set the precise angle they wanted.
Resort Overview and Prop Sorting
There were hundreds of props in our game that had to be sorted. This used to be done by manually manipulating the sorting order number on GameObjects, but I developed a tool that allowed Technical artists and VFX artists to drag and drop props in a list and automatically calculate their sorting order. This tool also let you sort layers within a single prop and adjust the order of sprites, meshes, spine animations, and particle effects. Integration of new areas became much faster and time needed to add props to already existing areas was significantly cut down.